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Forgetting Partition: Constitutional Amnesia and Nationalism

Kanika Gauba
Economic & Political Weekly

History’s silence resonates in the textual silence of the Indian Constitution on the immense scale of violence and exodus accompanying the partition of the subcontinent, despite the contemporaneity of partition and constitution writing. Clearly discernible on a closer reading of the Constituent Assembly's debates are implicit influences of partition on key constitutional decisions, such as citizenship, political safeguards for religious minorities and provisions creating a strong central tendency in the union.

Princestan: How Nehru, Patel and Mountbatten Made India

Sandeep Bamzai
Rupa Publications India

India from Curzon to Nehru and After

Durga Das
Rupa Publications

India: From Curzon to Nehru and After

Durga Das
Rupa & Company

Kashmir And The Partition of India: The Politicians and the Personalities Involved in the Partition of India, and Legal Position of Jammu and Kashmir State on 15th August 1947

Dr. Shabir Choudhry
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller

Partition Observed: British Official Reports from South Asia, 16 October - 31 December 1947

Carter, Lionel
Manohar Books