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The 1947 Partition of British India: Forced Migration and Its Reverberations

Jennifer Leaning, Shubhangi Bhadada
Sage Publications India Private Ltd
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The 1947 Partition of British India remains the largest instance of forced migration in the recorded human history. Despite the passage of time, it is still widely seen as a process of singular distress and sorrow. Yet, for those in the subcontinent, the Partition also offers a process of self-exploration for subsequent generations. This book is the first collection of chapters related to the Partition studies wherein experts of various disciplines from the three major modern nation-states affected by this cataclysm - Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan - have closely collaborated to develop a nuanced assessment of the Partition as active in the present. The book casts a somber yet uplifting light on the enormous challenges the Partition imposed on societies struggling to emerge from generations of colonial rule into a post-war world depleted of resources and a future of uncertain prospects.