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The Story of India's Partition

Raghuvendra Tanwar
Publications Division, Ministry of I&B, Government of India
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There had been talk of Partition for long, but the announcement came suddenly — division of the country had been preponed. All talk of how it should pan out was left in the lurch, news of violence started trickling in. Communal strife raised its head; mass exodus, the biggest-ever in the history of mankind, ensued. In the 75th year of India’s Independence, the interest in how the Partition happened only seems to grow. Historian and Professor Emeritus at Kurukshetra University, Raghuvendra Tanwar jots down a brief history of the momentus event in ‘The Story of India’s Partition’. The author also goes back to the first responses from important names of the time, underlining these with rare photographs sourced from libraries and archives in India and the UK, and other visual elements like maps, shocked reactions of the press, explanatory notes on how the idea of Partition was “ill-founded” from day one, etc.